
Camping with Kids

A Fun and Exhausting Adventure

By Dani Keith June 24, 2024

Camping with three girls aged 6, 8, and 10 can be a delightful yet challenging experience, especially when dealing with 90-degree weather during the day and pleasant temperatures in the low 70s at night. Recently, we embarked on such an adventure, and while we faced some unexpected hurdles, the abundance of activities and the sheer joy of the kids made it all worthwhile.

The Joys of Campground Activities

One of the highlights of our camping trip was the variety of activities available right at the campsite. The campground was a bustling hub of entertainment and fun, ensuring the girls were never bored.

  • Life-Size Chess: The campground featured a Harry Potter-esque giant chessboard. This brought to mind the iconic scene with Ron, Hermione, and Harry, particularly the dramatic moment when Hermione shouts, "No, Ron, no!" The girls were fascinated by the enormous pieces and enjoyed strategizing their moves, much like wizards in training.
  • Swimming Pools: The campground had two swimming pools—one for bigger kids and one for smaller kids. This setup was perfect as it accommodated all three of our children. The pools provided a refreshing escape from the scorching heat of the day.
  • Jumping Pad and Sand Area: The jumping pad was an instant hit with the kids. They spent hours bouncing around, laughing and playing. However, the sand area, while initially exciting, quickly became too hot to enjoy during the peak heat of the day.
  • Golf Carts and Photo Ops: Renting a golf cart was a great way to explore the campground. We also found a cool, quirky chair that made for fantastic photo opportunities, creating lasting memories of our trip.
  • Arcade Room and Play Areas: The arcade room offered a break from the sun and a chance to indulge in some classic games. Additionally, several play areas around the campground provided ample space for the girls to run, climb, and make new friends.
  • Riverside Fishing and Hiking: Being right on the river meant we could introduce the kids to fishing, which they found both relaxing and exciting. The nearby hiking trails offered a chance to explore nature and burn off some energy.

The Forgotten Essentials

Despite meticulous planning, we forgot a couple of essentials that seemed like no-brainers in hindsight.

  • Flashlights: Navigating the campground at night without flashlights was a challenge. We had to rely on our phones, which wasn't ideal.
  • Shower Flip Flops: Forgetting shower flip flops made trips to the communal showers a bit uncomfortable, but we managed and used baggies instead.

The Challenges

While the activities kept the kids entertained, there were a few challenges that required some quick thinking and patience.

  • Close Proximity of Tents: The tents were pitched quite close to one another, which made it difficult to maintain a sense of privacy. Our girls had to be reminded frequently to keep their voices down and be mindful of our neighbors.
  • Adapting to the Environment: Camping in such close quarters and dealing with the heat required some adaptability. We had to come up with creative solutions to keep the kids cool and occupied during the hottest parts of the day.

A Memorable Weekend

Despite the challenges, our kids had an amazing weekend. They were thrilled with the variety of activities, and we cherished the quality family time we spent together. The experience was so fulfilling that we found ourselves needing a vacation from our vacation. Camping with kids is a unique blend of fun, exhaustion, and memorable moments, and we wouldn't trade it for anything.